The City Council holds its business meetings in public in accordance with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, its established policies and procedures, and its adopted parliamentary authority. The Council strives to carry out its meetings in an atmosphere of professionalism with full participation by members of the body and the public. As such, the Presiding Officer is empowered to govern City Council Meetings to foster the efficient and fair administration of City business and reserves the right to enforce (or cause to be enforced) the Meeting Rules of Conduct and Decorum as set forth in Chapter 5 of the City Council Policy and Procedures Manual.
The City Council welcomes and encourages public participation and invites the community to attend in person. If you cannot attend in person, the meeting will also be available via Zoom and YouTube.
To join via Computer, Laptop, or Smart Device:
Click the blue Zoom icon located on the City’s website at or enter the following:
Meeting ID: 985 7110 4995
Passcode: VV123
*To provide comment, click the “Raise Hand” button and the Clerk will unmute you.
To join via Audio only (cell phone or landline):
Dial: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 985 7110 4995
*To provide comment dial *9 to “Raise Hand”
Public Comments: Members of the public may submit comments electronically to [email protected] by 4 p.m. the day of the meeting to be distributed to City Council. Participants are invited to address the Council on agendized and non-agendized topics at the beginning of the meeting. Public comments will be no longer than three (3) minutes per community member. Should a speaker conclude their comments prior to the expiration of three (3) minutes, the speaker waives the right to speak for any remaining amount of time. For further information about how to address the Council, please refer to the City’s website at
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (760) 955-5188 no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting.
5:00 p.m. Closed Session
Call to Order
Roll Call
Introduction to Public Comments
Public Comments for Closed Session Items
Declaration of Closed Session Item(s) by City Attorney
Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b):
Position Title: City Manager
Recess to Closed Session
6:00 p.m. Regular Session
Call to Order
Roll Call
Closed Session Announcements by the City Attorney
Invocation: Pastor Ian Rapier of Life Church
Pledge of Allegiance: Police Captain John Wickum
Proclamations/Special Presentations
2021 Fireworks Enforcement Program
City Clerk Presents Agenda/Revisions to Agenda
Conflict of Interest Declarations
Any items on this agenda that might be a conflict of interest to any Council Members/Board Members should be identified at this time
Introduction to Public Comments
Public Comments
Consideration of Resolution Nos. VWD 21-009 and VWD 21-010 - Resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Victorville Water District making its determination to Fix, Levy, and Collect Standby Charges for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Recommendation: That the Honorable Victorville Water District Board of Directors: (1) Conduct a public hearing, receive testimony for the adoption of proposed Resolution Nos. VWD 21-009 and VWD 21-010, and close the public hearing; (2) Approve Resolution No. VWD 21-009 entitled, “A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Victorville Water District making its determination to Fix, Levy, and Collect Standby Charges for Water Improvement District One for Fiscal Year 2021-2022; and (3) Approve Resolution No. VWD 21-010 entitled, “A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Victorville Water District making its determination to Fix, Levy, and Collect Standby Charges for Water Improvement District Two for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.
Consideration of Resolution No. VWD 21-011 – A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Victorville Water District adopting new rates, fees, and charges for water service. Recommendation:
That the Honorable Victorville Water District Board of Directors:
(1) Conduct the public hearing, receive testimony, and close the public hearing;
(2) Determine whether a majority protest exists; and
(3) If no majority protest exists, approve Resolution VWD 21-011.
Adoption of Resolution No. 21-057 - Annual Assessments for Unpaid Rubbish Collection, Sewer Use Fees, Storm Drain Fees, Hazardous Waste Fees, and/or Assembly Bill 939 Recycling Fees Recommendation:
That the City Council: (1) Open the Public Hearing; (2) Close the Public Hearing; and (3) Adopt Resolution No. 21-057 confirming the annual assessments for unpaid rubbish collection fees, sewer use fees, storm drain fees, hazardous waste fees, and/or Assembly Bill 939 recycling fees.
Adoption of Resolution No. VWD 21-008 - Annual Assessments for Unpaid Water Fees Recommendation:
That the Water District Board of Directors: (1) Open the Public Hearing; (2) Close the Public Hearing; and (3) Adopt Resolution No. VWD 21-008 confirming the annual assessments for unpaid water fees.
Annexation of Tract Map No. 16894 into Citywide Drainage Facilities Assessment District No. 1 (DFAD 1) Recommendation:
That the Honorable City Council:
Cancel the Public Hearing for Resolution No. 21-048; and
Direct staff to re-advertise the public hearing for a future meeting date.
Commercial Demand Schedule No. 1 Recommendation:
That the City Council and Board of Directors ratify Commercial Demand Schedule No. 1 in the amount of $3,501,823.68, covering Electronic Fund Transfers No. 326282 through 326410 and Warrant No. 782081 through 782256 for 06/30/2021 through 07/07/2021 and Wire Transfers dated 07/02/2021, per the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for the period covering July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 and Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for the period covering July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
Payroll Warrant List Recommendation:
That the City Council and Board of Directors ratify the Payroll Demand Schedule No. 12B for Payroll Period June 11, 2021 through June 25, 2021, in the amount of $1,429,120.23 covering Check Nos. 32387 through Nos. 32399, including Vendor checks. Please note employee Check No. 32389 has a live Check and an EFT Advice. Also included are Advice Nos. 278059 through 278490, per adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 period covering July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
Minutes of June 15, 2021 City Council Meeting Recommendation:
That the City Council approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on June 15, 2021.
Purchase of Dell Computer Systems Recommendation:
That the City Council award the purchase totaling $97,483.52 to Dell Marketing L.P. to purchase 100 computer systems to replace aging equipment.
Purchase of Loader and Tractor with Mower Attachment Recommendation:
That the Southern California Logistics Airport Authority (“SCLAA”) Board of Directors:
1) Approve the purchase of a John Deere 210L Tractor Loader, and a John Deere 5100M Utility Tractor with an Alamo 15’ Falcon Flex-Wing (mower attachment) in the amount of $237,692.54.
Standard License Agreement for Building 732 by and between the Southern California Logistics Airport Authority and Victor Valley College. Recommendation:
That the Southern California Logistics Airport Authority (“SCLAA”) Board of Directors
approve entering into a Standard License Agreement for Building 732
(“Agreement”), by and between the SCLAA and Victor Valley College, (“VVC”) and
authorize the Airport Director to execute said Agreement.
Approve Three Grant of Easements at the Southern California Logistics Airport. Recommendation:
That the Southern California Logistics Airport Authority (“SCLAA”) Board of Directors
(1) grant a utility easement to the City of Victorville across the parcel designated as APN 0459-192-54, and
(2) grant an access easement to Mojave River Valley Holdings, LLC. across the parcel designated as APN 0459-192-54, and
(3) grant an access easement to Mojave River Valley Holdings, LLC. across the parcel designated as APN 0459-192-55, and
(4) authorize the Executive Director to execute said instruments.
Consultant/Professional Services Provider Agreement with Fenagh LLC
That the Honorable City Council approve a Consultant/Professional Services Provider Agreement with Fenagh LLC, in an amount not to exceed of $200,000.00 for on-call geotechnical field and the associated laboratory testing services for various water and sewer capital improvement program (CIP) projects; to include Sewer Capacity C-1, Turnout 5 Metering Station and SCLA Flight Line, but not limited to.
Consideration of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Proposed Funding Allocations. Recommendation:
That the Honorable City Council: (1) Approve the ARPA allocation plan; (2) Adopt Resolution No. 21-072 amending the FY2021-22 budget for expenditures for ARPA allocation plan; (3) Authorize staff to proceed with the ARPA Past Due Utility Bill Assistance Program; and (4) Authorize the City Manager to reallocate ARPA funds to categories for additional funding.
Recommendation for appointment to the Victorville Planning Commission. Recommendation:
That Your Honorable City Council appoint Lionel Dew to serve on the Victorville Planning Commission, as recommended by Mayor Jones.
Language Access Services Recommendation:
That staff be directed to re-evaluate, on an annual basis, as there isn't a definitive legal requirement or a demonstrated need by the community for expanded language access services.